If you experience any of the following: SocialBooth opens and sticks on the splash screen, Stays completely black (no menu loads), or comes up with script errors when you click 'Save and Start' -  there is a good chance you have a corrupted Settings file. 

Try the following steps:

  1. Type %localappdata% in your Windows search bar
  2. Open the %localappdata% file folder that appears
  3. Double-click the 'SocialBooth' folder
  4. Right-click on the 'Settings' file and delete
  5. Re-open SocialBooth and verify program now loads properly

If issue remains:

  1. Completely uninstall SocialBooth from Windows, allow SocialBooth Settings to be removed when prompted
  2. Re-install SocialBooth from This Link. Note: Make sure you have your licensing key handy, which came in your original HootBooth Confirmation email. 
  3. Re-open SocialBooth and verify program now loads properly

If issue still remains:

  1. Contact SocialBooth Support via This Link, OR
  2. Consult the SocialBooth Users Support Group via This Link